Instructions to use a terminal XRT603 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Add the following lines to web.config


Now let's design a “Hello World” program just to test.

Open file c:\x64\ config.ini, and replace line <WML_START_ADDRESS>http://localhost:1288/website11/Default2.aspx</WML_START_ADDRESS> with our program link.
Save config.ini.

To test the program with Emulator:

  1. Open XRT603/Base Emulator ( Wait 15 seconds)

  2. OpenXRT603/WML Server, configure Com Port to a valid Com Port and click on “Open WML Server” button. Led should stay green.

  3. Open XRT603/Terminal Emulator and press any key on the terminal. In the terminal must appear “Hello world”.

To test the program with real hardware:

  1. Connect Antenna to the Com port of the PC.

  2. OpenXRT603/WML Server, configure Com Port to a valid Com Port and click on “Open WML Server” button. Led should stay green.

  3. Press any key on the terminal. In the terminal must appear “Hello world”.

Some screen-shots of what you should expect to see on the terminal, depending on visual studio configurations.

Advanced configurations
If you want to use X64 flags in the text input...
First in file c:\x64\config.ini put "NO" inside the tag <WML_USE_DEFAULT_FLAGS>

In the title property of the inputbox insert the flags you want separeted by "|".

If you don't want the cursor to stop ,you can put |AUTOENTER in a button.


Don't allow to change the input text


Exit input at the end


Password input


Only numbers


Turn Barcode ON


Don't underline the input field


Input right aligned


Show Function keys during the input


Don't show function keys during the input


Don't allow input from the keyboard


Turn Rfid ON


Cursor Position

If you want to write wml commands you must create a label with:

<WMLCODE><BEEP Duration=”500” Period=”500”/></WMLCODE>

Will do a beep

<WMLCODE><ALARM Delay=”10” Frequency=”30” Frequency_Min=”30” Frequency_Max=”100” Repeat=”5”/></WMLCODE>

Will do a beep beep beep...

<WMLCODE><DELAY Duration=”1000”/></WMLCODE>

Will wait one second